COVID-19 pandemic

With the world’s health now at the forefront of everyone’s mind, it is now, more than ever, that homeopathy will be called upon and needed. People are looking for alternative ways to support themselves and their families health and immune system to the current COVID 19 pandemic.

I am continuing my practice online, by phone, and from 19th July 2021 face to face too, so you and your family can benefit from homeopathy.

As well as helping with any physical symptoms, homeopathy can also help you and your family with feelings of anxiety, fear and stress - all of which are common at this extraordinary time.

Homeopathic options can form one part of your approach to the current virus outbreak but should always be used alongside other measures.

If you have current symptoms or are concerned that you may have been exposed to coronavirus, it is important to call 111 to seek appropriate advice, in keeping with current NHS guidelines or go to NHS website to check Covid19 symptoms

Returning to face to face working

Dear Client

With ‘freedom day” all remaining legal COVID-19 restrictions are being lifted from Monday 19th July 2021. I wanted to let you know what this means when you visit the Homeopathy & Natural Health Clinic in person. Like many other close contact services, I have decided that the clinic’s current safety protocol will remain in place and so the following will apply.

I would like to ask my clients to please continue to wear a face mask when entering the clinic for their appointments with me at the Homeopathy & Natural Health Clinic and use a hand sanitizer.

Even if you can maintain the two-meter distance, I and the patient are at increased risk due to the face-to-face position and prolonged exposure during a consultation.

It is suggested to consider the following:

  • Take COVID lateral flow test prior to the visit

  • Maintain the recommended social distance

  • If you don’t feel comfortable with the face-to-face contact consultation, I would also continue to work online as the SAFEST option for both parties. Please state your preference on booking an appointment with me.

I will be following an enhanced cleaning protocol, good ventilation during your treatment session, and a minimum of at least one hour to thoroughly air the therapy room area between appointments. * I will be taking a lateral flow test weekly.

I believe that these measures are crucial to help keep everyone as safe as possible and ensure that my business continues to operate during these challenging times. I feel it is important for the uncertainty of the foreseeable future.

I look forward to helping you improve your health and wellbeing over the coming weeks.

Thank you for your continued understanding and support.



Homeopathy & Natural Health Clinic


1. If you or any member of your household has shown Covid 19 symptoms (high temperature, dry cough etc) please stay at home and isolate for 10 days.

2. Before leaving home please wash your hands and use the toilet to minimise the use of facilities at the clinic.

3. Leave unnecessary items at home and only bring what you need.

4. On entry to the clinic please use the hand sanitizer provided.

5. Use your facemask when appropriate.

6. Maintain 2m distance from your homeopath in the clinic.

7. Catch it, bin it, kill it. If you need to sneeze / cough please use the tissues provided and throw it in the bins.

Millions of people in the UK enjoy the benefits of homeopathy every year.

Why not see if YOU are one of them?